Time Capsule is a wireless router and Network Array Storage (NAS) device in one. It can be used to automate wireless backups for your MAC. It can also be used as file server which means you can access your files from anywhere in the world. You could also use this to share a printer through wireless network. More details can be found on Apple website at
To mount Time Capsule on Windows please follow the post “How to Share FOLDERS, Drives across computers and to mount Network Storage Array (NAS) Drives on Windows”
Mac should be able to recognize this drive the moment it is plugged in.
To mount it on Linux (any version)
1. Create a directory at any location on your linux to mount the Time Capsule. I am creating it in my home directory:
mkdir -p /home/vrishab/TimeCapsule
2. Mount the Time Capsule as ROOT user onto the directory crated in the above step
mount.cifs //"Time Capsule" /home/vrishab/TimeCapsule -o pass=password
On Ubuntu you might need to perform below
sudo mount.cifs //"Time Capsule" /home/vrishab/TimeCapsule -o pass=password
i. the IP Address is the one that you assign to the Time Capsule using your Apple AirPort Utility on a Mac or Windows
ii. The 'directory' name enclosed in double quotes is the name assigned to your Time Capsule when it is set up on the Mac - see how the volume appears listed on a Mac machine to derive this,
iii. /home vrishab/TimeCapsule is the name of the mount point that you selected,
iv. password is replaced with whatever password you elected to use during the Airport configuration. Apple gives you two options here. You can either use the same password as your Wireless Network password [generally a bad idea] or you can select a different one [obviously much more sensible].
3. You could also mount individual directories and assign different permission levels for users. Example
mount.cifs //"Time Capsule"/direcotry1 /home/user1/TimeCapsule/directory1 -o pass=password
mount.cifs //"Time Capsule"/direcotry2 /home/user2/TimeCapsule/directory2 -o pass=password
This way you can make sure certain users have access to specific directories only.
4. If you want this to auto mount on system startup, enter the commands as root in /etc/rc.local
With this setup you could place your system in DMZ and get a public IP (preferably static) assigned to it. You can then access these files through FTP, SFT or SSH from anywhere in the world (remember to open up the appropriate ports for the service you’ll be using). You have now made this system a file server
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